Invest in Your Memories!
Starting at $400
Varying parts of your session might include:
Number of different individual shots - for example a family session might also have couples shots and individual shots of each child​
Number of wardrobe changes to achieve different looks
Number of or variation in scenes at the shoot location
We'll talk through all the specifics when we connect!
Your Session
Will take place at your home or on location, based on your choice
Will typically last 60-90 minutes, but can vary depending upon number of individual photos, scenes, or wardrobe changes
Will include a minimum of 30 (often more, depending on the above variables) high-resolution, professionally-edited digital photos
Will include an online gallery to view your full session
Will allow you to order museum quality prints, such as canvas, metal, or acrylic, that have been optimized for printing on the specific medium of your choice
Will allow you to conveniently order online any combination of prints, albums, digital files, announcement cards, etc.​